Wednesday 24 February 2010

Draft of Questionnaire


1. What gender are you?
Male [ ]

Female [ ]

2. What age category do you fall under?

-16- 25 [ ]

-26-30 [ ]

-31-40 [ ]

-40 + [ ]

3. What genre of music are you most interested in?

R&B [ ]
Indie [ ]
Rock [ ]
Rap [ ]
Dance [ ]
Drum and bass [ ]
Garage [ ]

4. What are your favourite artists/ bands?


5. What do you like most in a magazine?

- plenty of pictures?

- more text then images?

- other? (please state)

6. What attracts you to a magazine?

- headlines
- photos
- famous celebrities
- colours

-Other, please specify ___________________________________

7. What would you definitely like to see appear in the magazine?
·Exciting Headlines
·Information on music
·Information about events e.g. gigs and festivals

-Other, please specify_______________________________

8. How many colours would appeal to you on a magazine?
- 2-3
- 4+

-Other, please specify_______________________

9. What artist would you like to read about in a double page spread article?

10. Would free merchendise persuade you to buy a magazine?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

11. Would you prefer one main image on the front cover of the magazine or more?

1 [ ]

2 [ ]

3 [ ]

More [ ]

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