Friday 26 February 2010

Media Diary...tbc

Media diary

Week 1- I created my preliminary task over three lessons. The first lesson was spent making sketches that I would use to base my magazine around, however these did change as some pictures proved hard to take. The second lesson was spent taking pictures to then put on my magazine; I also uploaded my sketches onto my blog, I did two evaluations of current school magazines and uploaded them as well. The third lesson was spent making my actual magazine; I did not produce my entire magazine in this time however and did further work in my spare time to ensure it was completed for the deadline. Next week will be spent planning my music magazine and evaluating current ones.

Week2 – during this week I have created a mind map that includes all my initial ideas. I have evaluated some more magazines and done some audience research. I have learnt more skills and terminology to analyse magazine covers, contents and double page spreads. I also began to write my questionnaire questions.

Week 3 - during this week we had half term, I analysed 5 front covers, 5 double page spreads and 5 contents pages to aid me when I am creating my own pages.

Week 4- this week has been spent finishing and uploading all my analysis and organising my blog; I also finished my questionnaire and uploaded this. I also recorded 3 students answering my questionnaire.

Week 4 – I began to take the first few photos during this week, I changed some of the dates and poses that my models did. I also began to write my double page spread article.

Week 5 – I edited my first set of photos, taken at the weekend and placed them onto my different pages, I then booked out my camera and finished my double page spread article, I handed it to the teacher to get remarked and then re-drafted the parts that weren’t acceptable.

Week 6 – I continued to work on my magazine and also did some peer assessment of the rough drafts and corrected the mistakes, this was useful as they would be my target audience and I needed to make my magazine appeal to them.

Week 7 – I took my last photos during this week and made corrections that had previously not been finished. I also began to type up work to be uploaded onto blogger. I edited the photos that I took and placed a few into the spaces left on my magazine pages.

Week 8 – I spent this week evaluating and finishing my pages, I then uploaded these and my picture plan to blogger, and I also put my diary onto blogger.

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